The second edition of the FOSS4G-Europe Conference is organized jointly by Politecnico di Milano, OSGeo, ICA and ISPRS. The event organization is leaded by a group of international geospatial experts who are distributed in the following committees.
The Fondazione Alessandro Volta is helping the Local Organization Committee to manage all the administrative aspects of the conference organization, and acts as the FOSS4G Europe 2015 PCO and organizing secretariat.
First name | Last name | Organization |
Peter | BAUMANN | Jacobs University |
Massimiliano | CANNATA | SUPSI |
Marco | BRAMBILLA | Politecnico di Milano |
Marco | CIOLLI | Università di Trento |
Marco | MINGHINI | Politecnico di Milano |
Dimitris | KOTZINOS | University of Cergy-Pontoise |
Peter | MOONEY | Maynooth University |
Sven | SCHADE | EC/JRC |
Clara | TATTONI | Università di Trento |
First name | Last name | Organization |
Vasile | CRĂCIUNESCU | Meteo Romania |
Stefano | CAMPUS | |
Giuseppe | CONTI | Trilogis |
Gérald | FENOY | GeoLabs |
Anita | GRASER | Austrian Institute of Technology |
Ionuț | IOSIFESCU | ETH Zurich |
Karine | JEAN | Centre de geomatique du Quebec |
Miguel | LUACES | University of Coruña |
Antoni | PEREZ NAVARRO | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya |
Jorge | SANZ | Prodevelop |
Josep | SITJAR | University of Girona |
Lluís | VICENS | University of Girona |
First name | Last name | Organization |
Peter | LOEWE | TIB |
Claudia | ENGEL | Stanford University |
Katrin | MOLCH | DLR |
Jack | REED | Stanford University |
Fulvio | RINAUDO | Politecnico di Torino |
Marcella | SAMAKOVLIJA | Politecnico di Milano |
First name | Last name | Organization |
Codrina | ILIE | Technical University of Civil Engineering |
Serena | COETZEE | University of Pretoria |
Luca | DELUCCHI | Fondazione Edmund Mach |
Maurizio | NAPOLITANO | Fondazione Bruno Kessler |
Francesco | PIROTTI | Università di Padova |
Jo | WALSH | Register of Scotlands |
First name | Last name | Organization |
Ludovico | BIAGI | Politecnico di Milano |
Theo | ARENTZE | Eindhoven University of Technology |
Giuseppe | CONTI | Trilogis |
Mattia | CRESPI | Università di Roma "La Sapienza" |
First name | Last name | Organization |
Dragan | SAVIC | University of Exeter |
Carolina | ARIAS MUÑOZ | Politecnico di Milano |
Fedor | BAART | Deltares |
Maria Antonia | BROVELLI | Politecnico di Milano |
Massimiliano | CANNATA | SUPSI |
Blagoj | DELIPETREV | University Goce Delcev |
Margherita | DI LEO | EC/JRC |
Gregory | GIULIANI | University of Geneva |
Carlos | GRANELL CANUT | Universitat Jaume I |
Helmut | KUDRNOVSKY | University of Vienna |
Robert | SZCZEPANEK | Politechnika Krakowska |
Gianni | TARTARI | Water Research Institute (IRSA/CNR) |
Peter | WELLS | Lutra Consulting |
First name | Last name | Organization |
Luca | DELUCCHI | Fondazione Edmund Mach |
Jachym | CEPICKY | OpenGeoLabs s.r.o. |
Simone | CORTI | Politecnico di Milano |
Jeff | MCKENNA | Gateway Geomatics |
Marco | NEGRETTI | Politecnico di Milano |
Stefano | PIFFER | Trilogis |
First name | Last name | Organization |
Suchith | ANAND | University of Nottingham |
Maria Antonia | BROVELLI | Politecnico di Milano |
Gregory | GIULIANI | University of Geneva |
Charles | SCHWEIK | University of Massachussets Amherst |
First name | Last name | Organization |
Angelos | TZOTSOS | National Technical University of Athens |
Simone | CORTI | Politecnico di Milano |
Luca | DELUCCHI | Fondazione Edmund Mach |
First name | Last name | Organization |
Maria Antonia | BROVELLI | Politecnico di Milano |
Laura | CARCANO | ASF Autolinee |
Eleonora | CICERI | Politecnico di Milano |
Luca | DELUCCHI | Fondazione Edmund Mach |
Nicola | DORIGATTI | Trilogis |
Andrea | FIANO | CEFRIEL |
Haosheng | HUANG | Vienna University of Technology |
Marco | MINGHINI | Politecnico di Milano |
Monia | MOLINARI | Politecnico di Milano |
Peter | MOONEY | Maynooth University |
Gerolamo | SAIBENE | Between |
Franco | MERCALLI | Fondazione Alessandro Volta |
Vijay Charan | VENKATACHALAM | Politecnico di Milano |
First name | Last name | Organization |
Patrick | HOGAN | NASA |
Maria Antonia | BROVELLI | Politecnico di Milano |
Giuseppe | CONTI | Trilogis |
Giorgio | ZAMBONI | Comune di Como |
First name | Last name | Organization |
Nicolas | BOZON | GeoLabs |
Gérald | FENOY | GeoLabs |
Marco | NEGRETTI | Politecnico di Milano |
First name | Last name | Organization |
Zoltan | SIKI | Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Simone | CORTI | Politecnico di Milano |
Carlos | GRANELL | Universitat Jaume I |
Andrea | LINGUA | Politecnico di Torino |
Social media/Newsletter/Press committee